In order to complete this form, you must run "Factory Test" in the UltraGauge menu.  To run the test, place the vehicles ignition to the RUN position.   It is not necessary to start the vehicle.   Select  MENU --> UltraGauge Setup .. --> Factory Test.

UltraGauge will then display a series of numbers, as shown below.

While creating the numbers, UltraGauge will display an action count in the lower right hand corner of the display.   When UltraGauge has completed forming the numbers, "Done" will be printed on the last line, as shown below.  Enter all the numbers into the form.  It is important that the numbers are accurately gathered and entered into the form, otherwise the form will reject the results.

Just to the left of "Done" is a two digit number, as shown below.   Enter this two digit number in the separate box that follows the numbers check box fields. Do not enter this separate number in the "numbers" check box form.

NOTE!  If an error occurs such that the "Done" value is flagged as being in incorrect, the most common cause is incorrect or missing "numbers". Generally, having a second person review your entries is the quickest means to resolve this issue.

With Certain vehicles, like the Toyota Tundra, there are more numbers than can be displayed to the UltraGauge screen. This is typically obvious as the numbers completely fill the screen before Factory test completes.

To resolve this issue:

1. Unplug UltraGauge
2. Set the ignition to the RUN position (Engine OFF)
3. Attach UltraGauge
4. When prompted, press the DOWN button to enter "Safe" mode.
5. Re-run Factory Test

Once in Safe mode, considerably fewer numbers will be displayed and the reward process can be successfully completely. Typically the number of gauges found in Safe mode and Enhanced mode are equal and UltraGauge can be left in Safe mode.

Factory Test Results Screen Capture

Typical Factory Test screen